Respiratory superbugs

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a type of bacteria that can infect people with long-term lung problems. If it isn’t quickly treated with the right antibiotics, the bacteria can form protective layers called biofilms. These biofilms make the infection very hard to get rid of.

Over 400 million at risk worldwide

People with COPD and bronchiectasis are especially vulnerable to respiratory superbugs.

Repeated hospital visits

Respiratory superbugs that are not treated with the right antibiotic can cause permanent lung damage, increasing healthcare costs.

Rapid testing at the point of care

Nanodecal offers the first test to identify bacteria in sputum within minutes. A reagent liquefies the sample, and a rapid test detects bacteria. These tests can be used anywhere in healthcare, making them ideal for guiding antibiotic treatments.

Minutes vs. Days

Initial antibiotics cannot be personalized because sputum culturing takes days.

Enabling precision

Nanodecal’s rapid test identifies bacteria quickly, enabling personalized treatments that are faster and more effective.

Sample liquefaction for point of care detection

Sputum samples, which contain bacteria causing lung infections, is thick and nearly solid, making point-of-care analysis difficult. Nanodecal solves this problem with a reagent that liquefies sputum in just 1-2 minutes. Patent WO2021224529A1

At the point of care

Complete liquefaction with our reagent that does not require laboratory equipment.

Multiple applications

Preserves bacteria and biomarkers for detection with immunoassays. Keeps leukocytes intact for detection with flow cytometry.

A new antigen test for rapid lung diagnosis

Antibody-coated nanoparticles are contact-transferred, overcoming the limitations of lateral flow tests. They are produced using our proprietary method, protected under patent WO2021048087A1.

High sensitivity and specificity

Thanks to the simultaneous detection of multiple antigens of the same pathogen.

Quick and Convenient

Analyses are completed within minutes at the point of care.

Our Team

We are putting together a multidisciplinary team to bring Nanodecal's breakthrough biotech to market. Together, we will make a significant impact in the field of respiratory diagnostic tools.

Roberto de la Rica

CEO | CSO | Founder

I am committed to help Nanodecal grow so that our technology can help patients. I am thrilled by the idea of guiding therapeutic decisions using scientific evidence obtained on the spot.

Steven M. Russell

Quality & Regulatory Affairs Manager

I am dedicated to developing and maintaining the quality management system and to mananging regulatory affairs to support the growth of Nanodecal.

Stephanos Papaefstathiou


With a strong foundation in public health, I am engaged in fostering teamwork and collaboration throughout Nanodecal's operations.

Xavier Riba


Business professor, specialist in finance and entrepreneurship with over 20 years of experience

Cristina Adrover

R&D Director| Founder

I'm a passionate R&D specialist and company founder, devoted to advancing healthcare through developing cutting-edge biosensor technology.

Ana Losada

Research Assistant

I am a Biomedical Engineer supporting research activities at Nanodecal

Advisory Board

Marcio Borges

President of the Code Sepsis Foundation and Director of the Sepsis Area at FEPIMCTI

Borja García-Cosío

Coordinator of the National Strategy on COPD for the Balearic Islands

Antonio Oliver

Head of Clinical Microbiology at HUSE and world expert in Pseudomonas infections

Antonio Ornelas

Advisor for Life Sciences & Medical Technology for Venture Capital Co.

Supported By

Project CPP2023-010462 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ FEDER, UE.

Project PROSALUT2023/16

Project SNEO-20241066 funded by: